
Nginx is a high-performance web server known for its speed and efficiency, particularly well-suited for sites with high static content or environments with limited memory. For more details on Nginx, visit the Nginx Wiki.

Using Nginx

Once Nginx support is configured, you can manage virtual servers similar to Apache:

  • Virtual server creation: When creating a new virtual server, select Nginx website enabled under Enabled features, instead of Apache website enabled.
  • CLI API: Use --virtualmin-nginx flag instead of --web for non-SSL websites and --virtualmin-nginx-ssl instead of --ssl for SSL-enabled sites.
  • Remote API: Use the virtualmin-nginx= parameter instead of web=.

Configuring Nginx support in Virtualmin

Clean installation as LEMP stack

  • Automated installation: During Virtualmin installation, use the --bundle LEMP option with the virtualmin-install.sh script. This sets up a LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP) stack. For more information, see the LAMP vs. LEMP documentation.

Manual webserver switch

Manual switching involves advanced configuration and is generally not advisable for average users due to its technical nature.
Manual switch from Apache to Nginx
  1. Disable Apache: Disable Apache.
    • Debian and derivatives
      systemctl disable --now apache2
    • RHEL and derivatives
      systemctl disable --now httpd
  2. Disable Apache as Virtualmin feature
    virtualmin set-global-feature --disable-feature web --disable-feature ssl
  3. Install Nginx and dependencies: Install Nginx and Nginx Virtualmin modules from your repository.
    • Debian and derivatives
      apt-get install nginx-full webmin-virtualmin-nginx webmin-virtualmin-nginx-ssl
    • RHEL and derivatives
      dnf install nginx wbm-virtualmin-nginx wbm-virtualmin-nginx-ssl
  4. Configure Virtualmin for Nginx
    virtualmin-config-system -i Nginx
Switching from Nginx to Apache
  1. Disable Nginx: Disable Nginx.
    • RHEL and Debian derivatives
      systemctl disable --now nginx
  2. Disable Nginx as Virtualmin feature
    virtualmin set-global-feature --disable-feature virtualmin-nginx --disable-feature virtualmin-nginx-ssl
  3. Install Apache: Install the Apache package along with necessary modules.
    • Debian and derivatives
      apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-fcgid apache2-suexec-custom
    • RHEL and derivatives
      dnf install httpd mod_fcgid mod_ssl mod_http2
  4. Configure Virtualmin for Apache
    virtualmin-config-system -i Apache
  5. Enable Apache as Virtualmin feature
    virtualmin set-global-feature --enable-feature web --enable-feature ssl