Mail dependent feature find postfix 2.10.0 smaller than 2.7


I just upgrade my server to the latest version of everything.

Operating system CentOS Linux 6.4 Webmin version 1.620 Virtualmin version 3.99.gpl GPL Postfix postfix-2.10.0-1.el6.x86_64

and I found out that when I run the "Re-Check Configuration" I get this:

Your Postfix version does not support per-domain outgoing IP addresses.

So, there must be a bug when virtualmin check for postfix version.

I replaced this on :

elsif ($postfix::postfix_version < 2.7) {


elsif ($postfix::postfix_version < 2.0) {

and on :

if ($postfix::postfix_version >= 2.7) {


if ($postfix::postfix_version >= 2.0) {

to quickly fix this.

Maybe you can take a look and fix this on the next release.

Thank you.

Closed (fixed)


Thanks for pointing this out - the issue here is that Postfix version "numbers" aren't really numbers. So 2.10 is actually higher than 2.7, even though mathematically that isn't true :-(

The next release of Virtualmin will fix this though, by doing a comparison that takes these kinds of version numbers into account properly.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.