Ruby on rails: 2.3.8

Using the Script Installer, I get the following error when trying to install RoR 2.3.8.

Now installing Ruby on Rails version 2.3.8 ..

Mongrel server did not start : sh: start: command not found

It looks like it's trying to start a service, but it's not working.



I'm working on reproducing this... Jamie, on Debian and Ubuntu, the packages "libfcgi-dev" and "ruby1.8-dev" should be set as dependencies for RoR.

I was able to successfully install RoR on Ubuntu, I'm working on CentOS now (I apparently broke my CentOS dev environment, so I'm fixing that first :-)

Okay, when attempting to install RoR on a CentOS 5.6 system, I'm getting this error:

Updating Ruby Gems to latest version from 0.9.2 ..
.. Gems update failed : ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException) HTTP Response 302 Updating RubyGems...

I found that I had to manually upgrade Ruby to 1.9.2 and RubyGems to 1.8.5 in order to make that go away. Seems like the gems repository was moved from to and that's why the 302 error would come up. Took me a couple hours to figure out that much.

I am also running CentOS 5.6.

Unfortunately the ruby and rubygems packages that come with CentOS 5.x are so old that it is nearly impossible to run rails anymore :-(

Should I complete the process manually then rather then relying on the Install Script to complete it for me? Took me several hours last night just getting the right dependencies installed. :(

We've found ourselves in an unfortunate bind lately, as some of the Ruby related apps have begun requiring software versions that don't come standard with most current distros. Redmine was the big culprit there.

It looks like something similar may now be occurring with RoR on CentOS 5.

One of the things I think we'll need to work on is improving the error messages when that situation arises.

Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about the underlying problem -- if an app requires a software version that isn't available in a given distro, that means the the Install Script won't work on that distro.

You do have the option of manually installing and/or upgrading the dependencies, but we appreciate that doing so is a bit of a pain. However, it appears as if that's the only way it'll work on CentOS 5 at this point.

Another option would be to use a newer distribution -- we'll be supporting Scientific Linux 6 here soon (which is much like CentOS). Also, Ubuntu 10.04 and Debian 6 have newer packages available in them than is available in CentOS.