You have selected to use clamdscan for virus scanning, but the clamd server it talks to is not running

I decided not using ClamAV because the mail users are having already anti-virus programs on their workstations.

In Virtualmin -> Edit Virtual Server -> Enables features - I unchecked Virus filtering enabled?. I saved Virtual Server.

In Virtualmin -> Email Messages -> Spam and Virus Scanning - I click on Disable ClamAV Server

Let's do a Re-Check Configuration. Here is the error message at the end because system is not ready for use by Virtualmin: "You have selected to use clamdscan for virus scanning, but the clamd server it talks to is not running".

Let's do a Re-Run Install Wizard and disable ClamAV. Re-Checking again configuration we get the same eror message.

Why do I have to go and disabling from "Features and Pluging" Virus Filtering in order to fix this error?



Howdy -- you are correct, you would need to go into System Settings -> Features and Plugins, and there, disable ClamAV from Virtualmin.

The options in the Features and Plugins screen tell Virtualmin what it needs to be prepared to use, even if a domain isn't currently using it.

So if the option is enabled there, Virtualmin will generate an error if it things something won't work properly, such as the service being disabled.