Issue with validate : "domain.tld Nginx website : The Nginx virtual host is not accepting connections on IP address and port 80"

Virtualmin Verification seems to fail even though : the sites displays normally and the "Recheck configuration" states that everything is OK and no error appears in the log : where should I look ?

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- hmm, I don't actually seem to be able to connect to the IP address on port 80 or 443.

Is that the correct IP address for your server?

itc's picture
Submitted by itc on Sat, 02/03/2018 - 09:03

I am still confronted with the issue. I still get after I enter the license and code: Failed to upgrade to Virtualmin Pro : The wbm-virtual-server RPM package was not found in the list of available packages from YUM. Perhaps one of your current repositories is not working?

The IP address is

It shouldn't matter whether you're using Virtualmin GPL or Pro, the validation would work the same in each.

If you're experiencing an issue upgrading to Virtualmin Pro, we'd be happy to help look into that, though we'd suggest opening a new support request for that.

Regarding the validation message though -- what is the output of these commands:

netstat -anlp | grep :80
netstat -anlp | grep :443

This error means that the listen line in the Nginx config is missing the IP address or port 80.

itc's picture
Submitted by itc on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 09:59

Please find the output of the commands in attachment. The** addresses are internal addresses. The external IP address is I don't understand that listening trick. Which address should listen to which ?

The Nginx config should contain only the internal IP addresses. The external address should only be used in DNS records.

itc's picture
Submitted by itc on Sat, 02/17/2018 - 08:04

OK but how do I solve my problem where I cannot enter the license and code: "Failed to upgrade to Virtualmin Pro : The wbm-virtual-server RPM package was not found in the list of available packages from YUM." How can I fix that

For that upgrade issue - how did you install Virtualmin GPL initially?

itc's picture
Submitted by itc on Mon, 02/19/2018 - 04:05

It was installed as readily available AMI on AWS (on an Amazon EC2 instance)

itc's picture
Submitted by itc on Mon, 02/19/2018 - 08:13

I opened all outgoing ports on the Amazon Firewall and it worked. It was not an issue with the machine setup but with FW.

Thanks anyway

Status: Fixed ยป Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.