Virtualmin 3.44 released
The version includes Webalizer stats in cPanel imports, allows control over the creation of catchall aliases, and adds a option to delete aliases when email is disabled for a domain.
The version includes Webalizer stats in cPanel imports, allows control over the creation of catchall aliases, and adds a option to delete aliases when email is disabled for a domain.
This release adds the ability to change the home directory or administration login for a domain, makes it easier to specify the primary NS, detects password changes made in other modules, shows the status of Dovecot, and allows MySQL permissions to be pushed to multiple servers.
This version changes the layout of the plugin modules page and makes it possible for a plugin to be installed, but not enabled by default. It also adds a section to the Domain Owner Limits section of the server templates to control which features are granted to owners of new domains.
This update adds the ability to select the SSL key size and certificate locations, more control of which domains are disabled for exceeding the bandwidth limit, DNS client validation, and more control over backup error email reporting.
This version adds external commands for setting quotas, better Zones support, template user interface and creation improvements, control over the disabled website HTML and more.
This new version improves the new mailbox and domain forms, and uses the DenyGroups SSHd directive to block logins by domain owners who don’t have a shell.
1.81 A Sendmail genericstable or Postfix canonical mapping file can be automatically updated with login name to email address mappings. This is useful for programs like Usermin, which can read such a file to work out From: addresses. The directory for Webalizer statistics can be set on the Apache Website Template page. Domain owners can be granted access to the Read User Mail module, for reading mailboxe’s mail. The port to use for normal and SSL virtual websites can now be set on the Apache Website Template page....