Link "Edit databases" not shown while virtual server admin is allowed to create them

In my account plan the virtual servers are allowed to create several databases, but without editing the capabilities of the virtual server there is no link "Edit databases" shown. Even not when the virtual server admin is allowed to create subservers.



Do these virtual servers have the MySQL or PostgreSQL feature enabled?

Also, at Administration Options -> Edit Owner Limits -> Allowed capabilities and features, do they have "Can manage databases" checked?

Both of those are needed for the "Edit Databases" link to show up on the left..

I don't have that checked, because I let Virtualmin determine whether the user should be able to do or not based on the account plan.

For some reason it doesn't detect the user can have a specified amount of databases, would be logical to add the limit to edit databases based on this and disable it when not wanting the user to be in control of their databases.

Ok .. so in the user's plan, is the "Can manage databases" box checked?

No, I checked "automaticly, based on other limits" and user is allowed to create subservers.

As the description says: These checkboxes determine which capabilities of their virtual servers domain owners can edit by default. Once a server is created, these can be changed on the Edit Owner Limits page. If the Automatic option is selected, limits are determined based on whether the virtual server owner is allowed to create sub-servers or not. If so, he will have access to all capabilities. Otherwise, he can only manage users, aliases and edit web pages.

Those edit capabilities are only applied when the domain is created - if later on your grant him permission to create sub-servers, he won't be given the additional database access.

The correct place to setup the capability restrictions for an existing users is at Administration Options -> Edit Owner Limits.

(Plate?In other words: a change of account plan is not fully applied, altough some settings do get applied to all websites within the plan (such as on upgrade of capabilities)? So it's more like a template?

There is no other way to enforce a complete account plan? Altough such a feature would also trigger feature request for a feature to check virtual servers and eventually update them as their formats don't match the server templates anymore (change of username style from user.domain to user@domain by example).